Intro to UNIX

FIXME: home page introduction




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Unix Basics What is UNIX and why do I need to know it?
How do I access Unix on my computer?
What are most useful Unix commands?
How do I work with streams and redirections?
What is Unix pipe?
How do I manage and interact with Unix processes?
What is command substitution?
What is Markdown?
01:00 2. Unix Data Tools How do I download and check data?
How to inspect data?
How to view data in Unix?
How to obtain data summary information of my data?
How do I select specific columns from my dataset?
How do I find patterns in my data?
How do I edit data streams?
02:00 3. Shell Scripting, Writing Pipelines, and Parallelizing Tasks How to write Bash scripts?
04:00 4. Git for Scientists Why git is necessary in bioinformatics projects?
How to create git repositories, track files, stage and commit changes?
How to collaborate with Git?
How to work with past commits?
06:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.