Shell Scripting, Writing Pipelines, and Parallelizing Tasks


Teaching: 100 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How to write Bash scripts?

  • To be able to write simple scripts.

Note: The lesson is based on Chapter 12 of the Bioinformatics Data Skills by Vince Buffalo

Bioinformatics Shell Scripting, Writing Pipelines, and Parallelizing Tasks

In this lesson, we’ll learn the essential tools and skills to construct robust and reproducible pipelines. We’ll see how to write rerunnable Bash shell scripts, automate file-processing tasks with find and xargs, run pipelines in parallel, and see a simple makefile.

Basic Bash Scripting

Bash, the shell we’ve used for this class, is also a full-fledged scripting language. Bash is explicitly designed to make running and interfacing command-line programs as simple as possible (a good characteristic of a shell!). Note that Python may be a more suitable language for commonly reused or advanced pipelines. Python is a more modern, more fully featured scripting language than Bash. Compared to Python, Bash lacks several nice features useful for data-processing scripts. However, Bash is often the best and quickest “duct tape” solution (which we often need in bioinformatics).

Challenge 1

As you may remember, Unix provides different flavors of shells:

  • Bourne shell (sh)
  • C shell (csh)
  • TC shell (tcsh)
  • Korn shell (ksh)
  • Bourne Again shell (bash)

How to check what shell you are using?

Solution to Challenge 1

$SHELL gives you the default shell. $0 gives you the current shell.

echo $0

Writing and Running Robust Bash Scripts

Most Bash scripts in bioinformatics are simply commands organized into a re-runnable script with some added bells and whistles to check that files exist and ensuring any error causes the script to abort. These types of Bash scripts are quite simple to write: you’ve already learned important shell features like pipes, redirects, and background processes that play an important role in Bash scripts.

A robust Bash header

Anytime you write a Bash script, you should use the following Bash script header, which sets some Bash options that lead to more robust scripts:

    set -e
    set -u
    set -o pipefail

These three options are the first layer of protection against Bash scripts with silent errors and unsafe behavior.

Running Bash scripts

Running Bash scripts can be done one of two ways: with the bash program directly (e.g., bash, or calling your script as a program (./ While we can run any script (as long as it has read permissions) with bash, calling the script as an executable requires that it have executable permissions. We can set these using: chmod u+x This adds executable permissions (+x) for the user who owns the file (u).

Unlike other programming languages, Bash’s variables don’t have data types. It’s helpful to think of Bash’s variables as strings (but that may behave differently depending on context). We can create a variable and assign it a value with (note that spaces matter when setting Bash variables: do not use spaces around the equals sign!):


To access a variable’s value, we use a dollar sign in front of the variable’s name (e.g., $results_dir). You can experiment with this in a Bash script, or directly on the command line:

echo $results_dir

Even though accessing a variable’s value using the dollar sign syntax works, in some cases it’s not clear where a variable name ends and where an adjacent string begins. To fix this, wrap the variable name in braces:

mkdir ${sample}_aln/

In addition, quoting variables makes your code more robust by preventing commands from interpreting any spaces or other special characters that the variable may contain:

mkdir "${sample}_aln/"

Variables and Command-line arguments

Let’s now look at how Bash handles command-line arguments (which are assigned to the value $1, $2, $3, etc.). The variable $0 stores the name of the script. We can see this ourselves with a simple example script:

echo '
echo "script name: $0"
echo "first arg: $1"
echo "second arg: $2"
echo "third arg: $3" ' >
bash arg1 arg2 arg3
script name:
first arg: arg1
second arg: arg2
third arg: arg3

Bash assigns the number of command-line arguments to the variable $# (this does not count the script name, $0, as an argument). This is useful for user-friendly messages (this uses a Bash if conditional, which we’ll cover in more depth in the next section):

echo '
if [ "$#" -lt 3 ] # are there less than 3 arguments? 
    echo "error: too few arguments, you provided $#, 3 required"
    echo "usage: arg1 arg2 arg3"
    exit 1
echo "script name: $0"
echo "first arg: $1"
echo "second arg: $2"
echo "third arg: $3" ' >
bash arg1 arg2
error: too few arguments, you provided 2, 3 required
usage: arg1 arg2 arg3

Note, that variables created in your Bash script will only be available for the duration of the Bash process running that script. For example, running a script that creates a variable with some_var=3 will not create some_var in your current shell, as the script runs in an entirely separate shell process.

Conditionals in a Bash Script: if Statements

Like other scripting languages, Bash supports the standard if conditional statement. What makes Bash a bit unique is that a command’s exit status provides the true and false (remember: contrary to other languages, 0 represents true/success and anything else is false/failure). The basic syntax is:

if [commands] then

were [commands] is a placeholder for any command, set of commands, pipeline, or test condition [if-statements] is a placeholder for all statements executed if [commands] evaluates to true (0). [else-statements] is a placeholder for all statements executed if [commands] evaluates to false (1). The else block is optional.

This is an advantage Bash has over Python when writing pipelines: Bash allows your scripts to directly work with command-line programs without requiring any overhead to call programs.

For example, suppose we wanted to run a set of commands only if a file contains a certain string. Because grep returns 0 only if it matches a pattern in a file and 1 otherwise, we could use:

echo `#!/bin/bash
if grep "pattern" some_file.txt > /dev/null 
    # commands to run if "pattern" is found
    echo "found 'pattern' in 'some_file.txt" 

The set of commands in an if condition can use all features of Unix we’ve mastered so far. For example, chaining commands with logical operators like && (logical AND) and || (logical OR):

if grep "pattern" file_1.txt > /dev/null && grep "pattern" file_2.txt > /dev/null
  then echo "found 'pattern' in 'file_1.txt' and in 'file_2.txt'" 
# We can also negate our program’s exit status with !: 
# if ! grep "pattern" some_file.txt > /dev/null 
  # then echo "did not find 'pattern' in 'some_file.txt" 
# fi

Finally, it’s possible to use pipelines in if condition statements. Note, however, that the behavior depends on set -o pipefail. If pipefail is set, any nonzero exit status in a pipe in your condition statement will cause skipping the if-statements section (and going on to the else block if it exists).

test command.

The final component necessary to understand Bash’s if statements is the test command. Like other programs, test exits with either 0 or 1. However test’s exit status indicates the return value of the test specified through its arguments, rather than exit success or error. test supports numerous standard comparison operators (whether two strings are equal, whether two integers are equal, whether one integer is greater than or equal to another, etc.), which is needed because ash can’t rely on familiar syntax such as > for “greater than,” as this is used for redirection: instead, test has its own syntax (see Table 12-1 for a full list). You can get a sense of how test works by playing with it directly on the command line (using ; echo “$?” to print the exit status):

test "ATG" = "ATG" ; echo "$?"
test "ATG" = "atg" ; echo "$?" 
test 3 -lt 1; echo "$?"
test 3 -le 3; echo "$?"

In practice, the most common tests are for whether files or directories exist and whether you can write to them. test supports numerous file- and directory- related test operations (the few that are most useful in bioinformatics are in Table 12-2). For examples:

test -d some_directory ; echo $? # is this a directory? 
test -f some_file.txt ; echo $? # is this a file?
test -r some_file.txt ; echo $? $ is this file readable?


test is usually combined with if statements is simple:

if test -f some_file.txt 
  then [...] 

However, Bash provides a simpler syntactic alternative to the test statements: [ -f some_file.txt ]. Note that spaces around and within the brackets are required. This makes for much simpler if statements involving comparisons:

if [ -f some_file.txt ] 
  then [...] 

When using this syntax, we can chain test expressions with -a as logical AND, -o as logical OR, ! as negation, and parentheses to group statements. Our familiar && and || operators won’t work in test, because these are shell operators. As an example, suppose we want to ensure our script has enough arguments and that the input file is readable:

set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

if [ "$#" -ne 1 -o ! -r "$1" ]
  then echo "usage: file_in.txt"
  exit 1 

As discussed earlier, we quote variables (especially those from human input); this is a good practice and prevents issues with special characters.

Processing Files with Bash Using for Loops and Globbing

In bioinformatics, most of our data is split across multiple files. Usually, we want to apply the same workflow to each of these files. Looping over files with Bash’s for loop is the simplest way to accomplish this.

There are three essential parts to creating a pipeline to process a set of files:

There are two common ways to select files: either start with a text file containing information about samples or directly select files in directories using some criteria.

In the first approach, you may have a file called samples.txt that tells you basic information about your raw data: sample name, read pair, and where the file is. Here’s an example (which is also in book’s chapter 12 directory on GitHub):

cat ../data/samples.txt
zmaysA	R1	seq/zmaysA_R1.fastq
zmaysA	R2	seq/zmaysA_R2.fastq
zmaysB	R1	seq/zmaysB_R1.fastq
zmaysB	R2	seq/zmaysB_R2.fastq
zmaysC	R1	seq/zmaysC_R1.fastq
zmaysC	R2	seq/zmaysC_R2.fastq

The first two columns are called metadata (data about data), which is vital to relating sample information to their physical files. Note that the metadata is also in the filename itself, which is useful because it allows us to extract it from the filename if we need to. We have to loop over these data, and do so in a way that keeps the samples straight. Suppose that we want to loop over every file, gather quality statistics on each and every file (using the imaginary program fastq_stat), and save this information to an output file. Each output file should have a name based on the input file.

First, we load our filenames into a Bash array, which we can then loop over. Bash arrays can be created manually; specific elements can be extracted using:

sample_names=(zmaysA zmaysB zmaysC)
echo ${sample_names[0]}
echo ${sample_names[2]}

All elements can be extracted with the cryptic-looking echo ${sample_files[@]} and the number of elements can be printed with echo ${#sample_names[@]}.

Better yet, we can use a command substitution to construct Bash arrays. Because we want to loop over each file, we need to extract the third column using cut -f 3 from samples.txt. Demonstrating this in the shell:

sample_files=($(cut -f 3 ../data/samples.txt))
echo ${sample_files[@]}
seq/zmaysA_R1.fastq seq/zmaysA_R2.fastq seq/zmaysB_R1.fastq seq/zmaysB_R2.fastq seq/zmaysC_R1.fastq seq/zmaysC_R2.fastq


This approach only works if our filenames only contain alphanumeric characters, (_), and (-)! If spaces, tabs, newlines, or special characters like * end up in filenames, it will break this approach.

With our filenames in a Bash array, we’re almost ready to loop over them. The last component is to strip the path and extension from each filename, leaving us with the most basic filename we can use to create an output filename. The Unix program basename strips paths from filenames:

basename seqs/zmaysA_R1.fastq

basename can also strip a suffix (e.g., extension) provided as the second argument from a filename (or alternatively using the argument -s):

basename -s .fastq seqs/zmaysA_R1.fastq

Now, all the pieces are ready to construct our processing script:


set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

# specify the input samples file, where the third column is the path to each sample FASTQ file

# create a Bash array from the third column of $sample_info
sample_files=($(cut -f 3 "$sample_info"))

for fastq_file in ${sample_files[@]} 
    # strip .fastq from each file, and add suffix "-stats.txt" to create an output filename
    results_file="$(basename $fastq_file .fastq)-stats.txt"
    # run fastq_stat on a file, writing results to the filename we've # above
    fastq_stat $fastq_file > stats/$results_file

A more refined script might add a few extra features, such as using an if statement to provide a friendly error if a FASTQ file does not exist or a call to echo to report which sample is currently being processed.

Combining two or more input files into a single output file

Many bioinformatics pipelines combine two or more input files into a single output file. Aligning paired-end reads is a prime example: most aligners take two input FASTQ files and return one output alignment file. Suppose that we use the aligner BWA and our genome reference is named zmays_AGPv3.20.fa (notice, that you might need to add module load bwa to the script, if you are running it on an HPC cluster):

    set -e
    set -u
    set -o pipefail

# specify the input samples file, where the third column is the path to each sample FASTQ file

# our reference

# create a Bash array from the first column, which are 
# sample names. Because there are duplicate sample names 
# (one for each read pair), we call uniq 

sample_names=($(cut -f 1 "$sample_info" | uniq))

for sample in ${sample_names[@]} do
        # create an output file from the sample name

bwa mem $reference ${sample}_R1.fastq ${sample}_R2.fastq > $results_file 

Here we use cut to grab the first column (corresponding to sample names), and pipe these sample names to uniq to remove diplicates (first column repeats each sample name twice, once for each paired-end file). As before, we create an output filename for the current sample being iterated over. In this case, all that’s needed is the sample name stored in $sample. Our call to bwa provides the reference, and the two paired-end FASTQ files for this sample as input. Finally, the output of bwa is redirected to the $results_file.


Finally, in some cases it might be easier to directly loop over files, rather than working a file containing sample information like samples.txt. The easiest (and safest) way to do this is to use Bash’s wildcards to glob files to loop over. The syntax of this is quite easy:

#!/bin/bash set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail
for file in *.fastq
    echo "$file: " $(bioawk -c fastx 'END {print NR}' $file)

Bash’s loops are a handy way of applying commands to numerous files, but have a few downsides. First, globbing is not the most powerful way to select certain files (see next section). Second, Bash’s loop syntax is lengthy for simple operations, and a bit archaic. Finally, there’s no easy way to parallelize Bash loops in a way that constrains the number of subprocesses used. We’ll see a powerful file-processing Unix idiom in the next section that works better for some tasks where Bash scripts may not be optimal.

Automating File-Processing with find and xargs

In this section, we’ll learn about a more powerful way to specify files matching some criteria using Unix find. We’ll also see how files printed by find can be passed to another tool called xargs to create powerful Unix-based processing workflows.

Using find and xargs

First, let’s look at some common shell problems that find and xargs solve. Suppose you have a program named process_fq that takes multiple filenames through standard in to process. If you wanted to run this program on all files with the suffix .fq, you might run:

ls *.fq | process_fq

Your shell expands this wildcard to all matching files in the current directory, and ls prints these filenames. Unfortunately, this leads to a common complication that makes ls and wildcards a fragile solution. Suppose your directory contains a filename called treatment 02.fq. In this case, ls returns reatment 02.fq along with other files. However, because files are separated by spaces, and this file contains a space, process_fq will interpret treatment 02.fq as two separate files, named reatment and 02.fq. This problem crops up periodically in different ways, and it’s necessary to be aware of when writing file-processing pipelines. Note that this does not occur with file globbing in arguments—if process_fq takes multiple files as arguments, your shell handles this properly:

process_fq *.fq

Here, your shell automatically escapes the space in the filename treatment 02.fq, so process_fq will correctly receive the arguments treatment-01.fq, treatment 02.fq, treatment-03.fq. The potentential problem here is that there’s a limit to the number of files that can be specified as arguments. The limit is high, but you can reach it with NGS data. In this case you may get a meassage: : cannot execute [Argument list too long] The solution to both of these problems is through `find` and `xargs`, as we will see in the following sections.

Finding Files with find

The basic syntax for find is find path expression. Path specifies the starting directory for search. Expressions are how we describe which files we want find to return.

Unlike ls, find is recursive (it will search through the directory structure). In fact, running find on a directory (without other arguments) is a quick way to see it’s structure, e.g.,

find / | head #I limited the number of files displayed with `head`
/.HFS+ Private Directory Data

Argument -maxdepth limits the depth of the search: to search only within the current directory, use find -maxdepth 1 .

For the following exercises, I’ll create a small directory system in my current directory:

mkdir -p zmays-snps/{data/seqs,scripts,analysis}
touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmays{A,B,C}_R{1,2}.fastq
find zmays-snps

Find expressions

Find’s expressions are built from predicates, which are chained together by logical AND and OR operators. Through expressions, find can match files based on conditions such as creation time or the permissions of the file, as well as advanced combinations of these conditions.

For example, we can use find to print the names of all files matching the pattern “zmaysB*fastq” (e.g., FASTQ files from sample “B”, both read pairs):

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "zmaysB*fastq"

This gives similar results to ls zmaysB*fastq, as we’d expect. The primary difference is that find reports results separated by newlines and, by default, find is recursive.

Because we only want to return FASTQ files (and not directories with that matching name), we might want to limit our results using the -type option:

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "zmaysB*fastq" -type f 

There are numerous different types you can search for; the most commonly used are f for files, d for directories, and l for links.

By default, find connects different parts of an expression with logical AND. The find command in this case returns results where the name matches “zmaysB*fastq” and is a file (type “f ”). find also allows explicitly connecting different parts of an expression with different operators.

If we want to get the names of all FASTQ files from samples A or C, we’ll use the operator -or to chain expressions:

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "zmaysA*fastq" -or -name "zmaysC*fastq" -type f 

Another way to select these files is with negation:

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -type f "!" -name "zmaysB*fastq"

Let’s see another example. Suppose a file named zmaysB_R1-temp.fastq was created by your colleague in zmays-snps/data/seqs but you want to ignore it in your file querying:

touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmaysB_R1-temp.fastq
find zmays-snps/data/seqs -type f "!" -name "zmaysC*fastq" -and "!" -name "*-temp*"

Note that find’s operators like !, (, and ) should be quoted so as to avoid your shell from interpreting these.

Find’s -exec: Running Commands on find’s Results

Find’s real strength in bioinformatics is that it allows you to run commands on each of the files find returns, using -exec option.

Continuing from our last example, suppose that a messy collaborator created numerous temporary files. Let’s emulate this (in the zmays-snps/data/seqs directory):

touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmays{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq
ls zmays-snps/data/seqs

Although we can delete these files with rm *-temp.fastq, using rm with a wildcard in a directory filled with important data files is too risky. Using find’s -exec is a much safer way to delete these files.

For example, let’s use find - exec and rm to delete these temporary files:

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "*-temp.fastq" -exec rm {} \;

Notice the (required!) semicolumn and curly brackets at the end of the command!

In one line, we’re able to pragmatically identify and execute a command on files that match a certain pattern. With find and -exec, a daunting task like processing a directory of 100,000 text files with a program is simple.

In general, find - exec is most appropriate for quick, simple tasks (like deleting files, changing permissions, etc.). For larger tasks, xargs (which we’ll see next) is a better choice.

xargs: A Unix Powertool

xargs reads data from standard input (stdin) and executes the command (supplied to it as an argument) one or more times based on the input read. Any spaces, tabs, and newlines in the input are treated as delimiters, while blank lines are ignored. If no command is specified, xargs executes echo. (Notice, that echo by itself does not read from standard input!)

xargs allows us to take input from standard in, and use this input as arguments to another program, which allows us to build commands programmatically. Using find with xargs is much like find -exec, but with some added advantages that make xargs a better choice for larger tasks.

Let’s re-create our messy temporary file directory example again:

touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmays{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq
ls zmays-snps/data/seqs

xargs works by taking input from standard in and splitting it by spaces, tabs, and newlines into arguments. Then, these arguments are passed to the command supplied. For example, to emulate the behavior of find -exec with rm, we use xargs with rm:

find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "*-temp.fastq"
find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "*-temp.fastq" | xargs rm

xargs passes all arguments received through standard in to the supplied program (rm in this example). This works well for programs like rm, touch, mkdir, and others that take multiple arguments. However, other programs only take a single argument at a time. We can set how many arguments are passed to each command call with xargs’s -n argument. For example, we could call rm four separate times (each on one file) with:

touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmays{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq
find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "*-temp.fastq" | xargs -n 1 rm

One big benefit of xargs is that it separates the process that specifies the files to operate on (find) from applying a command to these files (through xargs). If we wanted to inspect a long list of files find returns before running rm on all files in this list, we could use:

touch zmays-snps/data/seqs/zmays{A,C}_R{1,2}-temp.fastq
find zmays-snps/data/seqs -name "*-temp.fastq" > files-to-delete.txt
cat files-to-delete.txt
cat files-to-delete.txt | xargs rm

Using xargs with Replacement Strings to Apply Commands to Files

In addition to adding arguments at the end of the command, xargs can place them in predefined positions. This is done with the -I option and a placeholder string ({}). Suppose an imaginary program fastq_stat takes an input file through the option –in, gathers FASTQ statistics information, and then writes a summary to the file specified by the –out option. We may want our output filenames to be paired with our input filenames and have corresponding names. We can tackle this with find, xargs, and basename:

find . -name "*.fastq" | xargs basename -s ".fastq" | xargs -I{} fastq_stat --in {}.fastq --out ../summaries/{}.txt 
## Notice that the BSD xargs will only replace up to five instances of the string specified 
## by -I by default, unless more are set with -R.

Combining xargs with basename is a powerful idiom used to apply commands to many files in a way that keeps track of which output file was created by a particular input file. While we could accomplish this other ways, xargs allows for very quick and incremental command building. xargs has another very large advantage over for loops: it allows parallelization over a prespecified number of processes.

xargs and Parallelization

An incredibly powerful feature of xargs is that it can launch a limited number of processes in parallel. This is one of xargs’s strengths over Bash’s for loops. Although we can launch multiple background processes with Bash for loops by adding the ampersand (&) at the end of the command (e.g., for filename in *.fastq; do program “$filename” & done), this will launch as many processess as there are files we are looping over!

xargs allows us to define the number of processes to run simultaneously with the -P option. _E.g._, for the previous example, we could use

find . -name "*.fastq" | xargs basename -s ".fastq" | xargs -P 6 -I{} fastq_stat --in {}.fastq --out ../summaries/{}.txt 
## Notice that the BSD xargs will only replace up to five instances of the string specified 
## by -I by default, unless more are set with -R.

Admittedly, the price of some powerful xargs workflows is complexity. If you find yourself using xargs mostly to parallelize tasks or you’re writing complicated xargs commands that use basename, it may be worthwhile to learn GNU Parallel. GNU Parallel extends and enhances xargs’s functionality, and fixes several limitations of xargs. For example, GNU parallel can handle redirects in commands, and has a shortcut ({/.}) to extract the base filename without basename. This allows for very short, powerful commands:

find . -name "*.fastq" | parallel --max-procs=6 'program {/.} > {/.}-out.txt'

GNU Parallel has numerous other options and features. If you find yourself using xargs frequently for complicated workflows, I’d recommend learning more about GNU Parallel. The GNU Parallel website has numerous examples and a detailed tutorial.

Key Points

  • Don’t forget the proper header in your scripts